Courtney Hammond — May 31, 2020

Waiho i te toipoto, Kaua i te toiroa Let Us Keep Close Together, Not Wide Apart

The months over lockdown has brought to the fore the importance of our relationships with our centre whānau, it's so good to be back at preschool.

Courtney, Ashlee and Jo have recommenced with their Te Reo Māori course 'Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori',  this involves deepening their knowledge of the Ngāi Tahu language and culture.

Image by: Swannanoa Preschool

It also includes; Local context/history/introduction, Te Reo Māori in NZ, Ngāi Tahu, Whakawhanaungatanga (relationships), Mihi, greetings, basic conversation, Māori language resources, Language planning, learning outcomes - Its full on!


Our matariki celebrations will look a little different this year, we will celebrate Matariki throughout the week of the 28th June, and will include activities such as weaving, vegetable planting, ancestral stories, and lots of waiata of course!

Our Bicultural Leadership Group are in the process of revising our 'Vision and Action Plan'.  Feel free to share any ideas or aspirations you have for this with one of our Bilcultural leaders.  

Kapahaka will recommence at Level 1 - we can't wait!

Ngā mihi nui whānau,

Your Bicultural Leadership Team

Courtney, Jo, Ashlee, Katrina J and Laura