Brooke Allan — Aug 31, 2020

This month one of our Mahi Tahi groups went out on an adventure to look after our preschool environment armed with gloves and paper bags (of course!) They headed out to the car park and drive way and collected bags full of litter, even an old slipper!

Manaaki were lucky enough to receive a couple of the garden beds that were removed from the communal garden, the children have been actively involved in this process, digging out the plants to prepare for the garden beds, then carting loads of soil from the communal garden and back to Manaaki. The lovely thing was the children weren’t asked to help, but instead when they saw the teachers working they automatically came to help!

Image by: Swannanoa Preschool

Atawhai are now in the process of setting up their worm form, so watch this space! We need a lid for our worm farm, please talk to any member of the team if you have any ideas of what we can do. Or if you would like some of our worms to create your own worm farm at home, we have plenty! 

Brooke, Jan, Jo & Laura