Transition to School

Chauntelle Evans & Jess Heidmann —

We are lucky enough to have been invited by Brian Price and Bridie Gray to visit them at Swannanoa Primary School on Tuesday 21st May at 9:30am. Brian and Bridie will have a talk with us about transitioning to school, as well as give us a tour of Hapu 1 (the junior hub) and the school grounds. More Information will follow soon.

Please remember to enroll your child/ren into the primary school they will be attending as soon as you are able to. Here are a few ideas which can help you and your child/ren become prepared as they transition to school.

- Talk to your child/ren about school

- Have  a play in the schools playground and a walk around the school

- Make an appointment to meet the principal and have a school tour with them.

Transition to School Team

Jess and Chauntelle