Chauntelle Evans — July 31, 2021
We have a number of budding builders in Atawhai at the moment – construction is proving to be a strong interest for a number of children! I’m sure that you would have taken home some wooden racing cars, a jet boat box, or seen the amazing buildings created with the blocks The imaginative play, opportunities to engage and work with other children, and the creativity which has emerged through this interest has been fun to extend further so we are all looking forward to seeing what else might come from this!
With saying this we are always on the look out for any loose parts we can add to our construction area; bottle tops, untreated timber, nails etc.. If you have any you would be willing to donate that would be much appreciated.
I’m sure that some of you may have also heard your children reciting their mihi’s to you at home. Everyone has really enjoyed the easy access to their mihi, and having the opportunity to develop their confidence by sharing it in front of their family and friends – such a big and brave thing to do!
With the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics taking place we have made this a focus for our Tui group, as well as planned a couple of event days to align with this – getting everyone in the olympic spirit - I wonder if any of you will be watching parts of the games at home?
Our focus for group planning this term is around our centre value ‘Whanaungatanga’, which is all about relationships. Relationships are at the heart of what we do and really are the foundation for ensuring that everyone feels happy and establishes a strong sense of belonging in Atawhai. This has been especially important over the last couple of months as we have been busy welcoming new families who have transitioned into Atawhai. It has been lovely getting to know you all and to discover the personalities of our new children – if you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to have a chat to any one of us when you are in.
As always our weather can be quite unpredictable, but we do know that it generally is a bit cooler at this time of year. If you can please make sure your children have a warm jacket and clothing to wear each day, as well as a drink bottle, that would be much appreciated.
As always if you have any questions or concerns then do not hesitate to discuss these with any of us, we are happy to help.
The Atawhai team