by Swannanoa Preschool
Penny Coulthard — September 30, 2021
It is so lovely to be back at Preschool after the latest lockdown. We are glad we could stay in touch through seesaw and share mat times and ideas with you. We enjoyed seeing the photos of what many of you were up to doing this time.
Since being back at Preschool, we have been enjoying reconnecting with our friends and having lots of fun. With the change of season from Autumn to Spring, it sees us enjoying planting lots of different seed vegetables with Fiona. We are looking forward to these growing and then being planted into the garden – we wonder if the tamariki can remember what seeds have been planted?
The tamariki continue to enjoy being part of our mat/group times and being actively involved, as they recognise how their contribution and participation is valued and important. To further support tamariki appreciating that their contributions at mat/groups is valued we have set our group planning for the remainder of the year around this – that all opportunities for learning are equitable, and each tamaiti’s contribution is valued. You can see ways in which we have been growing this on our planning board in the classroom.
Some of the mat/group time experiences we have been enjoying are:
Kiwi – singing familiar songs – roll the ball to you, 5 cup cakes, 5 little monkeys.
Movement – jack in the box, bean bag song, parachute
Tui – participating in co-operative games (alphabet bingo, shake and reveal cards) going on name hunts, making discoveries through our senses (touch, smell, hear)
Moa - listening to stories and creating art about the story, learning about our senses, learning our mihi’s
And much more.
With the warmer weather upon us, we are reminding everyone that we will be applying sunblock on the hot days during the morning. We currently use Nivea sunblock. If you would like us to apply your own sunblock, please bring a named container for us to keep at Preschool. Please also pop in a named sun hat for these days.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new tamariki and families. It is super having you all in Manaaki. Please feel free at any time to speak with kaiako, if you have any questions, concerns or would just like a chat. Please remember you are also welcome to spend time with us.
Manaaki Team