Hero photograph
Photo by Simon Clarke

Class Lists, Mihi Whakatau, Masks and Transition Visits

Simon Clarke —

Due to Covid19 restrictions, we will be changing our traditional start of the year induction programme.

On Friday the 28th of January we will be posting class lists and teachers for 2022 on our website and via email.

We are going to priortise the transition from Year 6 to Year 7 and any new Year 8 students to minimise the number of people on site.  We feel comfortable that the Year 8 students know where their 2022 class is and who their teacher is going to be as we have no new teachers.

Year 7 children and parents are welcome to visit their 2022 classroom and meet their teacher at the following times on Monday the 31st of January.

  • 1:30 - 1:45 - Surnames A-D
  • 1:45 - 2pm - Surnames E-H
  • 2pm-2:15   - Surnames I-L
  • 2:15 - 2:30 - Surnames M-O
  • 2:30 - 2:45 - Surname P-S
  • 2:45 - 3pm - Surname T-Z

Traditionally on the first day of school (Tuesday the 1st of February) all students would meet in the hall and the Year 7s would be welcomed into the school as part of our mihi whakatau.  Students will instead go directly to their classrooms on Tuesday morning where they will be welcomed by their class teacher.

The advice and guidance from the Ministry of Education is to have no non-essential visitors on site.  If you must come onto the school site you will need to wear an approved face mask.  (No pulled up T Shirts, scarves etc)

If your child has a mask exemption could you please fill out the form below.


Thank you in advance for understanding that we are operating under new restrictions and we will endeavour to provide a safe environment whilst also providing a sense of normality for the students.