Hero photograph
Presenting a wreath to the cenotaph.
Photo by Terry Hokianga

Armistice Day and Tahuna.

Terry Hokianga —

Rooms 13 and 14 represented Tahuna at this year's Armistice ceremony held at the cenotaph opposite Toitu. On the 11 hour of the 11 day of the 11 month 1918 World War 1 ceased. 

Last Wednesday both classes stood to attention when the artillery guns fired at 11 am signifying the end of WW1. Both classes sang the songs listed on the ceremony programme and  witnessed the laying of a wreath by classroom representatives. 

As one student said, "... its great standing here amongst all these people ( ex service personnel, serving soldiers, sailors, airmen and the public) and reflecting on those that paid the ultimate sacrifice. "

 After the ceremony both classes were treated to tours around Toitu taking in the fantastic displays and a superb programme laid on by the Toitu educational officers. Well done Tahuna. 

Lest We Forget.