Claudia Hepburn, Year 7 Sums up her LOCKDOWN experiences and time in ISOLATION!!

Kristy McBride —

Four weeks of Family…

I - Intense but also intelligent games such as cards, Life, Speed Monopoly, Rubik’s Race and my favourite Cluedo.

S - Snoozing as the day flies by.

O - Over it as it is nearly four weeks since I’ve seen my friends, had a big ice-cream and been in the hub.

L - Laughing at my dad’s bad jokes and my brother’s overgrown mop head.

A - Activities I have done - walks/scooter, baking, drawing, reading, board games and loads more!

T - TikToks and lots of laughs as my mum has a go.

I - Inventing new and fun learning, thanks Mr Min and Mrs McBride.

O - Organisation is needed daily for school work.

N - Nothing like snuggling up by the fire and face timing my friends.