Hero photograph
Photo by Yvonne Toa

2018 Sir Peter Blake Award

Yvonne Toa —

On the final Friday of term Isabella Arnold was the fully deserved recipient of this prestigious leadership award.

Isabella is Co Chairperson and one of the Treasurers of our School Council, who has been able to readily rise to the positions of responsibility. Already she has shown leadership in chairing meetings, the way she discusses the minutes with the Principal and accurately reports back to fellow Councillors. She assists with the fundraisers and has positive contributions to bring to the table. She has the respect of her peers and adults with whom she interacts with, who come from all walks of life.

In 2017 she was selected to participate in the Chinese Immersion Day at school and she received the Aurora Award at the Otago Science and Technology Fair. She was also placed 2nd in the Y7 Tahuna Speech Competition.

This year Isabella is involved in the Water Testing project, is an effective member of the Road Patrol team, performs in Te Taiopeka, Theatre Sports and the Ukelele group, helped at the Extra Quiz night, as well as playing in a netball team for the school.

In the classroom she role models a positive work ethic, behaviour and attitude to her classmates. This is not always easy with the pressure from peers, but her strength of character comes through as she keeps her personal standards high.

In the wider community Isabella is in the St John’s Cadets where she has earned badges for first aid, civil defence, casualty simulation, etc. With her dog Maya, she has had top placings in German Shepherd Dog Handling competitions. She is an S.P.C.A Book Buddy, where books are read to dogs awaiting adoption. Isabella does tap dancing at the School of Dance and Musical Theatre, along with acting classes and still manages to squeeze in time for her interest in photography and fishing.

Isabella really does know how to make the most of opportunities both in and out of school. She naturally demonstrates the Sir Peter Blake ideals without pretention, showing integrity, a determination to succeed, great team building and leadership. She is very hard working and does know how to have fun, but most importantly, is an extremely grounded and solid Tahuna citizen, who epitomises all the values we encourage in our students. With values like this, she is sure to go far. Sir Peter Blake would be very proud to see Isabella as a recipient of the medal.