Hero photograph
Photo by Sean Minhinnick

Celebrating our kaitiaki museum focusing on Tahuna history

Sean Minhinnick —

Throughout term three we've been exploring the concept of kaitiakitanga, which culminated in our focus on Tahuna's history.

We were lucky enough to have a teacher who spent 31 years at Tahuna (Mrs Toa) and Colleen Bond (a Tahuna foundation student) come and speak with us and tell us about Tahuna's past.

From these educational moments, students were able to wonder and ignite their own projects.

Students chose their own focus and we had a wide variety of exhibits; from focusing on school buildings, uniforms, lunch items, canteen options, corporal punishment, our symbol (the toroa), inclusivity in school, plus loads more.

The students learned so much, not just about the history of our school, but project and time management, presentation skills, engagement with the audience, telling stories about our past, collaboration, effective writing, research, the design process etc.

It will be weird not having our project in our school lives, but I was immensely proud of the mahi and creativity on display today.

Kei a koe tonu te pēhea e whiriwhiri ai koe hei kaitiaki (How you choose to be a guardian is up to you).

Aroha nui

Sean/Mr Min and Whaea Eve