Hero photograph
Photo by Jess Cooper

Room 9 Camp!

Jess Cooper —

In Week 5, Room 9 were out having a blast at Camp Waiora, completing a week of fun filled activities. Since being back in the classroom, we have looked at writing recounts, poems and language features about our time at camp.

Day 1 - Setting Up Camp:

Driving up the hill I was really nervous, and I think others were as well. When I got out of the car I thought that this is our home for the week. On the first day, it was nice and chilled. We put up our tents and we also went to the water hole and water slide. It was fun!

- Myah Bradshaw

Day 2 - Tramp:

Tiring and exhausting
Rough and steep
A walk our
Memories will certainly keep
Pounding breath as we get to rest

- Matthew Gibbens

Day 3 - Water Day:

I got to bring my dog Sol out to water day and she swam in the lake like a fish. My favourite activity was the raft building because we created a perfect raft that floated on the water. We used sticks, ropes and tyres to make it. The other activities were kayaking and sailing.

- Matthew Jefferies

Day 4 - Activity Day

The water hole was as cold as ice.

The sun was a giant light bulb.

The arrow whistled through the air.

The bullet tackled the target.

My bag weighed a tonne.

- Toriann Russell