Hero photograph
Photo by Karen Parker

At home with 'The Lab'

Karen Parker —

What a busy couple of weeks the students in the lab have had.

Over the past two weeks The Lab have been working on ANZAC Day activities. Check out Parker's lego creation to commemorate ANZAC Day. Many of the students made wreaths and hung them at the their letterboxes. It was great to hear how many students got up for ANZAC Day remembrance activities in their streets.

The Lab has also been producing a large number of delicious baking goods. There have been birthday cakes, brownies and baguettes being made. No doubt they will be able to show off these talents to Mrs Scott when they get back to the food and textile room.

The class are currently writing parodies and extending their skills with music and language. Many artists and songs feature such as Abba, Micheal Jackson and Do you want to build a snowman? Check out or next publication for an update.