Hero photograph
Photo by Rose Thurlow

Maths Art starting after school Term 1 this year!

Rose Thurlow —

Maths isn’t all about numbers. It’s about the connections between numbers; it’s about exploring shapes and looking for patterns; it’s about drawing with rulers, and compasses and protractors. Maths Art is about starting with a mathematical concept, and then branching out to see how that idea can be displayed visually.

Classes will be held after school on Thursdays and you can register your interest with Sandra Rogers at sandra.dunedin@gmail.com. I'm an experienced secondary Maths teacher and mother of three, and I look forward to sharing my knowledge and enthusiasm with students at Tahuna. The cost will be $60 per term, with some scholarships available, and all materials supplied. Class size strictly limited to 15. Please encourage your child to be creative with their learning! I will respond to all emails with a registration form. Nga Mihi, Sandra