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Tahuna Normal Intermediate

by Karen Parker

Year 7's

Karen Parker - March 9, 2023

Year 7's

Over the past two weeks the Year 7's have been learning about puberty. It has been great to see the children engaging with this topic really well. They have been asking some amazing questions. We have heard there has been some great dinner-time conversation happening as the students clarify their learning with their parents.

Next week we see the second half of the Year 7's heading out to camp. Some of the classes will be heading out to Berwick and others will be going to Tirohanga. If you are able to help with your child's camp please let their teachers know.

Thank you to all the parents who came for parent interviews, it was great hearing how happy and settled the Year 7's are. If you missed interviews please contact your child's class teacher directly.

As we work through the second half of the term it is a great time to acknowledge all the hard work and commitment our Year 7's have been demonstrating.