Hero photograph
Photo by Jess Cooper

Year 8 Swimming - Team 4!

Jess Cooper —

This term the Year 8 classes have been going down to Moana Pool every two weeks to participate in swimming lessons and different activities.

The children have been completing three different rotations throughout each swimming session. These rotations are swimsation lessons, the wavepool, and teacher-led activities, which include the rescue boat, learning with life jackets, snorkelling, and clothes swimming. The students have enjoyed these rotations.


In swimsation we were doing lots of activities where we swam forward using freestyle and backstroke. We did another activity where we lay on our backs and kicked with chicken arms! We also did an underwater activity where the instructor threw some sinking sticks into the pool and we had to dive in and collect them. I thought the swimsation lessons were interesting and helpful for my swimming.

- Orlando Hay

In swimsation we learnt how to do freestyle and backstroke properly. We did an underwater game where you had to go underwater and swim as far as you could.

- Jazelle McCormick


Snorkelling was really fun! We did underwater dives and snorkelling on the surface both with and without flippers. We had races and tried to get as far down the pool as we could without taking a breath.

- Blake Armstrong

Rescue Boat:

For the rescue boat activity we put the boat in the water, split into two groups, got in the boat and practised rolling out of the boat. We did this by sitting on the edge of the boat and rolling off backwards. One of the instructors flipped one of the boats over with us underneath! We could breath by standing up under the boat. It was fun! 

- Ryan Lister

Life Jackets:

At the life jacket activity we learnt about the importance of life jackets. We jumped in the pool with our life jackets on and learnt the proper way to swim with them, which is on your back because this involves using less energy. Then Mr Wells turned the bubbles on to let us experience what it might be like in a current or rip. We attempted to dive down and touch the bottom of the pool with our life jackets on and it was really challenging.

- Josh Jackson

Clothes Swimming:

For clothes swimming we had to try and swim in our clothes. It was really hard! We had to jump and dive into the pool with our clothes on and swim lengths too. It felt really heavy swimming with lots of clothes on and they stuck to me!

- Charlotte Casey-Douglas