Hero photograph
Photo by Kristy McBride

Get NZ Writing 2018

Kristy McBride —

Over the next six weeks 96,000 children will swap writing their writing around NZ. It's going to be EPIC and Room 16 are included in the 96,000!!!

3000 classrooms have taken part in the project this year.  We were buddied up with an unknown school in the North Island. We had to describe our class, community and city in super creative ways like: sharing our favourite six words, where we live and what's around us, create an eight letter word using brail, write a found poem using words from the newspaper, share classroom talents and create postcards using individual metaphors. We had so much fun waggling our ears, rolling our tongues, licking our elbows and crossing our eyes. We focused on a famous poet called Iain Sharp learning about 'The Art of A Metaphor' We will keep in touch with our buddy class via our class newsletter blog and email address. Mrs McBride said we could even 'Zoom' them to share our classroom learning.