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Tahuna Normal Intermediate

by Manuel Wehi

McKenzie Bryce striving for excellence at the Hyeon Mu New Zealand Open 2021.

Manuel Wehi - September 22, 2021

On the 14th of August McKenzie Bryce travelled to Christchurch to compete in the Hyeon Mu New Zealand Open 2021 which is a Taekwondo tournament. McKenzie was awarded 1 bronze medal, 3 gold medals and a trophy for Best Individual Junior in Poomsae. Here is an article written by McKenzie describing his experience and his achievements during that weekend.

Hi my name is McKenzie and this was my experience at the Hyeon Mu Taekwondo open.

The Hyeon Mu New Zealand Open 2021 is a 2 day Taekwondo tournament where clubs from all over the country come to compete. I really enjoyed the competition but one thing I hated was waiting. At one point I waited over 2 hours sitting down with 11 pads on waiting for my next event. It was really annoying but worth the wait. I won 1 bronze medal, 3 gold medals and 1 trophy. The bronze medal was for sparring and the 3 gold medals were for poomsae (my routine). I did individual poomsae, pairs poomsae and team poomsae. The trophy was my favourite thing I won. The trophy was for best male coloured belt poomsae in the country! I was the only coloured in my club to get a trophy. Overall, this year's competition was the best competition I've been to so far.