Hero photograph
Photo by Ian Lambie

Learning @home

Ian Lambie —

We are aware that some of you have been asked by the ministry of health to self isolate. If your child is at home and well enough to engage in some online learning please read below.

First off if you have internet access but require a school device, please email ian.lambie@tahunanui.school.nz, devices will be issued for the period of your self isolation.

If you do not have internet access please email linda.cook@tahunanui.school.nz - we have some limited hard copy resources that we can prepare and send to you (please only use this option if you have no internet access)

if you would like some reading material prepared for your child please email library@tahunanui.school.nz and give Ferne a few ideas as to what your child is interested in. Ferne will discuss reading ability with your childs teacher before sending it out.

While at home please visit the school website for information on connecting to your childs learning portal and explore the calendar function of this page. Here you will see the learning that is occuring in your childs class and some ideas of things that you could take part in at home.

If you have any questions dont hesitate to call or email me.