Tāhunanui School — Feb 23, 2022

Each term, the school community (board, staff, parents/whānau) is invited to review and comment on specific policies and procedures.

Term 1 2022 Policy up for review is: 


Parents/Caregivers are invited to use the link below to participate in our current policy reviews

Visit the website Click here for review

  1. Enter the username (tahunanui) and password (sail).

  2. Click on green 'current review' button at the top of page

  3. Scroll down and click on current review link (this term is 'Visitors')

  4. Read the policy.

  5. Click the Policy Review red button at the top right-hand corner of the page.

  6. Select the reviewer type "Parent/Caregiver".

  7. Enter your name (optional).

  8. Submit your ratings and comments.

Image by: Kara Wiseman