Tahunanui School — May 17, 2022

Please see attached message from Nelson Intermediate School regarding open days for 2023 enrolments

Open afternoons:

We invite whānau to visit the kura with their tamariki. During our open afternoons, whānau and tamariki will receive a tour of the kura, meet kaiako, ākonga, and other staff, find out more about the classroom curriculum, EOTC, our Māori medium pathway, sports and music programmes etc…

Tours will be in groups of 15 - 20 in order to maintain social distancing. Whānau and tamariki will be greeted under the trees at the main entrance and we will show them around the kura. Tours will take approximately 45 minutes.

Wednesday 1st June - 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm. Please arrive no later than 4.15 pm

Tuesday 7th June - 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm. Please arrive no later than 5.15 pm

Monday 13th June - 3.30 pm - 5.30 pm. Please arrive no later than 4.45

Whānau may also wish to come in with or without their tamariki outside of the above times and meet with a senior staff member. We welcome whānau in for these hui. An appointment just needs to be made with our office on 03 548 9572.

We will be looking to visit primary schools later in Term 2 in order to speak with ākonga and hand out enrolment forms and will be in touch around organising these times.

Year 6 kaiako will also be asked to complete the transition form on ETAP by Week 5 Term 3. (Nelson Central will receive hard copies). Guidelines for completing this form will come out in time. LSC will then meet with teachers to discuss the handover.

Class lists for 2023

We really appreciate the feedback we get from primary schools about class lists. We aim to have these done by Week 1 Term 4 and be able to get these to you for feedback.

Year 6 transition day - Week 4 Term 4, Friday November 11. 9.30 pm - 12.30 pm

This day coincides with our Year 8 students' transition to college day. This day is an opportunity for students to meet their class and kaiako for 2023.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


Ngā mihi

Mike FosterLearning Support Co-ordinator
P: 03 548 9572M: 027 545 5644A: 112 Tipahi Street, Nelson 7010W: www.nelsonintermediate.school.nz