Tai Tapu School — March 19, 2025
Recently, Koru 2 & 3 took part in Seaweek! During our curiosity time, we had the opportunity to create our own sea creature sun catchers. We love it when the sun shines through them and we can see the reflection on our classroom floor! As part of Seaweek, we have been learning all about pollution in the ocean and had the opportunity to make instruments out of recyclable materials. Thank you so much to all our whānau for bringing in materials for us to use!
Koru 2 & 3 have been so excited to visit our school library on Thursday afternoons! We have really enjoyed exploring a wide variety of books and checking some out to take home. Carmen in Koru 3 has been doing an excellent job as our library manager helping us check out books! Everyone will get a turn at this job throughout the year.
Koru 3 have been exploring using numcion to help us build our understanding in Maths. We have been learning different ways to make 10 & 20 as well as doubling and halving. When building doubling houses out of numicon, we discovered that it was easier with odd numbers because of their structure!
On Tuesday, all the tamariki in Koru had a great morning engaging in sport games provided by Selwyn Sports Trust! We were lucky enough to have awesome active leaders who helped us learn the rules to new games.