Tai Tapu School Uniform
The uniform is available from the Wairakei Road branch of Mainland Uniforms or uniform items can be ordered online direct from the Mainland Uniforms by clicking on the link below. Your order will be delivered direct to your home via courier at a small charge. The school receives a cashback from Mainland of 10% for all uniform items sold.The school will be holding a stock of all uniform items with one in every size so that children to can be properly fitted. If an incorrect size is ordered it will be the parent’s responsibility to have it exchanged at Mainland Uniforms (via post at your cost or visit). No refunds will be given just exchange.If you do not have access to the internet you can pop into the school to borrow a computer to put your orders in. We want to have this system as automated and seamless as possible so we are not offering any other alternatives.
Order online here:
Girls Summer (Terms 1 & 4)
- Plaid Culottes (breathable poly/wool, machine washable)
- Red short sleeved polo top
- Red long sleeved polo top
- Red Fleece ( Full or half zip)
- Black & Red sports jacket/wind breaker
- Predominately white or black cross trainer/ running shoe
- Predominately white sports socks (white shoes) or black sports socks (black shoes)
- White knee high socks
At the principals discretion girls may be able to wear their winter black track suit pants during the summer terms. This may be in the early weeks of Term 4 and later weeks of Term 1, or in weeks of unseasonally cold weather.
Girls Winter (Terms 2 & 3)
- Plaid Culottes (breathable poly/wool, machine washable)
Note: At formal events or as requested by the school, all girls may be required to wear their culottes.
- Plain Black track suit pants (if logo is visible it must be minimal - no stripes. Not to be zip off pants and not be worn rolled up to the knees)
- Red short sleeved polo top (if a polyprop or merino is visible under this t-shirt it must be a matching red or black)
- Red long sleeved polo top
- Red Fleece (Full or half zip)
- Black & Red sports jacket/wind breaker
- Predominately white or black cross trainer/ running shoe
- Predominately white sports socks (white shoes) or black sports socks (black shoes)
- Black tights, Black knee high socks
Boys Winter (Terms 2 & 3)
- Black Drill Shorts
- Plain Black track suit pants (if logo is visible it must be minimal- no stripes. Not to be zip off pants and not be worn rolled up to the knees)
- Red short sleeved polo top (if a polyprop or merino is visible under this t-shirt it must be a matching red or black)
- Red long sleeved polo top
- Red Fleece ( Size 4 and 6 half zip, all other sizes full zip)
- Black & Red sports jacket/wind breaker
- Predominately white or black cross trainer/ running shoe
- Predominately white sports socks (white shoes) or black sports socks (black shoes)
Sports Uniform
- Plain Black sports shorts for sporting activities only (not compulsory)
Winter Options
- If students are cold and require an extra layer or waterproof layer they can wear any appropriate jacket. We would prefer if these were red or black or red but this is not compulsory.
- Gumboots can be worn in the winter (students must bring cross trainer / running shoes with them for fitness)
Other Optional Extras
- Black Summer sandals (Terms 1 & 4). If sandals are worn, all children must carry a pair of cross trainer/running shoes with them as this is compulsory.
Second Hand Uniform Items currently available
See order form below.