Kereru - Week 5
Liz Whitehead - March 2, 2023
This week has seen a number of our Year six tamariki out at Rippa Rugby. The team had a great day and built on some of their skills around our key value of kindness.
This week in Literacy our theme has been farming, and we have looked at different articles about different types of farming, looked at a poem called 'The Farmer' and then tried to construct our own rhyming poem. We have designed and annotated diagrams of our ultimate farm machine and created milking sheds out of Lego. A well as this we have had groups working on their handwriting, spelling conventions and the language feature of metaphor.
In Maths we have been doing some revision with different groups on fractions, different ways of completing algorithms and the importance of place value. I have also been doing GLOSS Maths testing and it has been really exciting seeing how tamariki have picked up the strategies we have worked on and are using them to solve equations and to create problems for others to solve.
Athletics training has been very high on a number of students priorities, with hours spent on the high jump, throwing and the long jump, not so many on the track. This week we have worked with Ruru on two afternoons to teach them athletics techniques. Our tamariki have been amazing teachers, although with some frustration when the younger students wanted to use the high jump mat as a diving mat rather than to practice their scissor jump. Although they got it sorted out very quickly. Seeing Kereru students take on these leadership roles and do them so well is really great.
The pie fundraiser for Camp and the Colour Run are coming up. Please follow the link in this newsletter to set up your pie selling page and spread the word.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to have the house coloured outfits ready for Athletics on Tuesday.
Ngā mihi
Miss Whitehead