Kereru - Week 4
Speeches are all done and dusted and all our Akonga did a great job, writing and presenting their speeches.
In literacy we were working on a winter taskboard and the final focus was to compare two different New Zealand Ski Fields. To do this we were using our research and presentation skills to present the information in an informative and attractive poster format. Tamariki engaged in this really well. In Maths we are back looking at Multiplication and division and fractions. A number of students have got timestables that they need to learn and will be being checked up on during the week. It is much easier to move on in fractions work if they have the times tables sorted.
Next week we have the Netball festivals on Tuesday and Wednesday. The non netball students will be working in other classes on the Tuesday. We are fully back into our normal literacy and maths programming from next week.
have a great weekend
Nga Mihi