Hero photograph
Photo by Jayne Ridley

Ruru Week 4

Jayne Ridley —

Another week has flown by in Ruru.

 On Monday we spent more time using 'Tens Frames' and learning to show the size of a number in tens and ones.  Many children can count forwards and backwards beautifully, so the focus at present is on being able to explain the size (place value) a number- how many groups of ten and how many ones on their own?

With Athletics just around the corner Ms Boniface and Miss Paula and the senior students have been helping Ruru to practise at different skills stations in the afternoons. 

We have been lucky to have Mrs Minty helping in the class during Literacy time. Here are some stories about various topics that the children have written this week. The focus for much of the term so far has been on planning, sounding out words and using 'trylines' to underline spelling attempts.  

I want my tooth to come out. Because, I want to plant it. by Ata

I went surfing and I loved it.  After I went surfing I went home.  I love my Mum and I had chicken for dinner. I like chicken. by Blayde.

I want to go to the Winton Pool and have a swim to cool myself down.  I hope I have a good swim at the pool. by Jackson.

When I turn ten... I am going to have a pony! My dad said 'yes.'  I need a name! But I am only seven now.  I need to be ten to get a pony.  But I don't know what my brother is getting, it must be a toy. By Zealandria.

My sister and I were riding our bikes outside the garage, it was fun.  My Dad rode his motorbike down the farm. My sister and I rode into the garage and around the motororbike and on the concrete." By Mason.

I opened the Off Roader today.  It is fun. It can go on the rocks and it can go fast, and it is grey. By Leo.