Tui Champs stepping up, through and together.
The buzz and excitement of Christmas is in the air. We begin and end each day signing and singing carols. With girls outnumbering boys in Tui, I thought a sing-off would be easily won by them. Fortunately we have strong, proud boys who held their own in the waiata stakes. Pavi and I have witnessed some real kindness from our Tui boys this week, joining in with dance and positive encouragement with one not generally impressed by the opposite gender. Top marks our Tui boys, for your genuine kindness. It was ako, in its most pure form.
Thanks to the PTA and their pool noodles, we played a form of 'operation' where communication was the key to success.
My backgammon buddies watched with glee as I was 'hammered' in best of 3. Below is the photo of the final roll of dice. I so enjoy my lunchtime gamers.
How wonderful it was to take this gentle class to the store to post our letters to Santa. We had a chat about postboxes and when our Santa letters were to be collected. Thank you Mrs Minty and Pavi for being premium support crew.
I am off to my daughter's 21st - blink too fast and yours will be that age too. Enjoy every moment of your children, these years really do go fast. Cherish them. They are special, beautiful people.
Nga mihi,
Miss Ashwell