Liz Whitehead — Nov 16, 2023

Wow what a week with lots of different visiting teachers and exploring the arts.

This week we had the opportunity to explore further our drama with Evelyn Mann as we explored movement and static images through different themes.  On Wednesday the Year 6 tamariki were lucky to spend time with Lily and Herron from Active Southland learning some basic Hip Hop dancing.  They then had Ruru join them and taught the younger students how to dance.  The video you will see on Hero when reports come out show you just how far the tamariki developed during the 90 minute session.

We had all the Ki-o-Rahi equipment out on Thursday and we retaught the tamariki the rules of the game.  A lot of fun was had by all as they got to grips with the rules.  Hopefully we will have the other classes learning the game by the end of the year for a fun house competition.

We have continued with independent Literacy and Maths work while I have been working through end of year testing.

We are having a lot of conversations about Respect and Integrity at the moment.

Have a great weekend and remeber it is Teacher Only Day on Monday.

Nga Mihi