Hero photograph
Photo by Jayne Ridley

Celebrating our Learning

Jayne Ridley —

Here we are at the end of Term One. It has flown by yet has been jam-packed. Children are tired and ready for a break, and also extremely excited about Easter; I have overheard more than one conversation this week clarifying which day the Easter Bunny is due to visit.

We rounded off the term by thinking, talking and writing about ourselves; what makes us unique, proud and special - Taonga.   On Monday and Tuesday we  wrote acrostic poems to share things we like about ourselves.  We also learnt the song 'You are a Taonga' (along with some NZ Sign Language) to perform for everyone at Celebration of Learning. 

Thank you to everyone who made it to the Celebration  of Learning Assembly on Wednesday, and for those who couldn't be there then check out the photos below to see the Acrostic Poems that the children shared. Ruru children can feel really proud of the way that they overcame nerves to speak and sing in front of the whole school and parents. 

On the last day of the term the children will put a few books into their book bags for holiday reading.  It would be beneficial if the children could do a little bit of reading over the holidays; it really does help them to maintain their progress. 

Have a wonderful Easter and holiday break.  I look forward to seeing everyone again in Term Two.

Nga mihi
