T C — Dec 3, 2018

The National Finals of the EVolocity annual event was held recently in Christchurch and it was a fantastic show of engineering, design and teamwork from students competing from secondary schools all over New Zealand.

Tauhara College, Taupo, took away the big prizes in the following categories to earn the title of Evolocity National Champions 2018!

EVolocity Top team - Best Performance across all events awarded to Tauhara College - Evolution Scorpio

Fastest in Street Circuit (Kart) Tauhara College Evolution Scorpio

Fastest in Drag Race (Bike) Tauhara College Evolution Harley

Engineering Excellence and Innovation - Tauhara College Evolution Scorpio

Visit https://www.facebook.com/evolocitynz/?ref=settings and feel free to share on your Facebook page :)

Outstanding results, well done to all students and special thanks to Mr Sullivan!