Keith Buntting — Sep 27, 2018

It's been another epic term with so much to celebrate.

And we're back! After some issues with privacy, digital platforms and ways of communicating, we are very pleased to have our Newsletters back up and running  in a new format. We look forward to seeing this format continue to evolve as an additional way of acknowledging and celebrating the accomplishments and achievements of our students.

Another busy term draws to a close and I appreciate the opportunity to pull together a couple of things that have stood out for me this term. The foundation for all of these has been the way that our students make the most of their opportunities and continue to focus on their learning both within and outside of the classroom. It is a privilege working with these students and it continues to be inspiring to watch how they commit to their learning in a variety of ways, how they make meaning of a changing world, how they grapple with complex issues and changing technology and how most of them demonstrate their integrity and care in most situations. It is true that there always seems to be small group that make it challenging for everyone else, but this would be same I'm sure in any school in any community.

The review of Tauhara College by the Education Review Office during Week 3 was a good learning experience for us and a timely reflection point for the last three years. There were many positive and thought-provoking conversations with the ERO team and both the Board of Trustees and the Senior Leadership Team appreciated the insights this process brought for us. We have seen a draft report and there are, as expected many things to celebrate about our journey over the three years and some clear signposts for our next steps. These are aligned with our relentless focus as a school on ensuring that all students are successful in learning. We look forward to sharing the report with our community when it is confirmed. 

This term I have again thought often about how fortunate we are as a school to have such tremendous support from our community. I greatly appreciate the huge support of parents and whanau who coach, manage and support our sporting and cultural groups, who give up so much time, care and energy to make these opportunities possible for our students. We could not do this without you!

Another 'sign post' this term has been to see both the sporting and the cultural character of our school continue grow. Just about all of our Winter Sporting teams have come out in the top sections of their respective grades, and have reflected tenacity, commitment and good sportspersonship at every step of the way. Likewise, the cultural side of the school continues to thrive as both the inaugural Tauhara College Arts Show Case and the NZ Made Dance Nationals have highlighted. What has stood out in particular for me in both of these is the way that when students are given the opportunity to 'lead their learning', supported by their teachers and their whanau, they thrive. This doesn't happen by accident and I acknowledge the positive influence, high expectations and support of our teachers who give our students the skills and the confidence, and then shape opportunities for them to express this. 

Finally, I have appreciated the way that students have committed to their learning this term. Term Three is always busy with putting the finishing touches to internal activities and assessments, as well as preparing for the practice examinations and ultimately the NCEA examinations. It has been pleasing to see the shift this term as students complete assessments, in between committing to their sporting and cultural pursuits. 

I wish all of our students a safe holiday break and I look forward to seeing you all back at the start of Term Four.

Warm regards,