Hero photograph
Photo by T C

Kura Kai NZ

Kura Kai NZ —

Tupuārangi is the whetū linked to food, growth above the ground and our birdlife. The meaning of this whetū is comprised of two words: tupu which can mean ‘new shoot’ or ‘to grow’, and rangi (sky), an abbreviation of ‘Ranginui’ (sky father). 

This whetū is also acknowledged through a special karakia that reaffirms our connection to the forests and the birds. On Tuesday 27 June, we headed down to Tauhara College Taupo for their Matariki Kura Kai cook up. Whanaungatanga would be the best word to sum up the morning! 

There were Year 9 Food Tech and Yr 12 and 13 hospitality students, Gary and Leanne from Taupō Attendance, teachers, Kylie Sargison - Tremains Taupō from team Rach & Kylie Real Estate and Michelle from COGS all chopping and cooking.

A huge thanks to Kirsty Trevor and Chef Ben for coordinating it all - 166 individual meal portions were whipped up which is an amazing effort for just one lesson! These meals will now be used by Taupō Attendance on their home visits to support local whānau and rangatahi as well as the meals being distributed throughout the Tauhara College community. 

 Shout out to Misfit Garden for supplying the beautiful fresh produce for this cook up and to REAP Central Plateau TAUPO for supporting Kura Kai Tauhara through koha. Ka rawe Tauhara College, you are awesome!