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Photo by TC

NCEA Internal Exam and Assessment Catch-up Week: 24th to 28th August

T C —

Examination Timetable attached

The Term Three Exam Week is for all senior students. The exams are for students who are entered for external examinations in November and December. There are also tutorials and workshops for NCEA internal assessment, catch up and re-assessment.

These internal exams are important in that they are a gauge of how well prepared students are for the NCEA external exams. Should a student not be able to sit their external exams, or the Covid-19 situation changes, the mark from these internal exams can be used as part of the evidence to ask NZQA for a considered grade.

Students are expected to prepare for these internal examinations as diligently as they will for the external examinations. This means they need to prepare and stick to a study plan so they have the best chance going into the exams. Teachers, Tutors and mentors will be helping students to prepare their study plan during Week Four.

To assist students in their preparation and assessments there will be study rooms and computer facilities available to students. These rooms will be staffed so students can get direct advice where needed. Students may study from home when they have no allocated exams or tutorials if this works well for them.

A timetable for the week has been prepared and will be available Week Four. Students, with assistance from teachers, tutors and mentors, will be able to show whānau exactly what they will be doing over the week. Students can plan their week using the timetable on the reverse of this letter.

  • Students are expected to wear school uniform during this week.

  • NZQA examination rules will be in place for these exams so we can use the results for Considered Grades.

  • We ask that school is contacted in the case of a student being unable to attend an examination so alternative arrangements can be made.

  • Teachers will be contacting home if an exam is missed so they can make up an alternate time to sit the exam.

Yours sincerely,

Iain Mutch                                                               Roxane Collins
Deputy Principal                                                     Academic Dean
mt@tauhara.school.nz                                           rc@tauhara.school.nz

Individual Exam Week Timetable

Students can use the Exam Week Timetable (available Week Four) to plan their own timetable for the week. Help will be given to students to complete this in Week Four in their Tutor classes.

Students can show their exams, tutorials, practical sessions and study times (at home or at school) on this timetable. They can also note the location of each of their exams, tutorials or study.

What will my week look like?

Image by: T C