Naomi Riedel and Kensie Gard — Nov 6, 2020

On Thursday, 22nd of October, a group of 14 students had the opportunity to attend a Climate change workshop held by Kids Greening Taupo with a special guest speaker, Sophie Hanford. Two of the students have written a piece to share the experience they had.

The Climate Change Workshop with Sophie Hanford was extremely inspiring and we are so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet her and hear all about how we can make a difference. A powerful message that came across to us was that ´It takes one grain of sand to turn a tide´ this made us feel like we could make a difference and that it was possible for us to start a change in our own community. So many people are uneducated about the climate crisis that is happening around us, from Sophie's message we have a greater understanding of what is causing this climate crisis and what exactly it is. 

We also enjoyed a planting session at the local Waipahihi Community Garden. This was an incredible experience and we are so grateful to have had this opportunity and would like to thank Sophie Hanford for making time to meet with us and help us make change in our community.