TC — Sep 27, 2018

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau.

On Wednesday 17 October there will be a final opportunity to have a progress discussion with your student’s teachers. As with earlier discussions, they will be available from 2pm to 6pm in ten minute slots.

Bookings for this are now open at

Please access the website and then enter the code dpme8

This will then allow you to select convenient times to see your student’s teachers.

On that Wednesday afternoon, in preparation for the Parent Teacher Interviews, the school day will end at 1.10pm. The early finish time allows us to use longer discussion times for these Parent-Teacher Interviews. Students who are not able to go home at this time, and bus students, can be supervised in the library until the end of the usual school day.

Year 11, 12 and 13 students End of Year Reports are now available on the Parent Portal. Reports for Year 9 and 10 students will be completed towards the end of next term.

If you are not able to make a booking online please contact the school office and they will make the booking for you.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards

Keith Buntting