James Lamb — Aug 26, 2021

CONGRATULATIONS to Stevie Manunui, Kelly Karaka, Ella Johnson & Pania Morehu-Rhynd for winning the GNS Science “The Future of Geothermal” prize.

The four girls from the Year 9 STEAM class recently participated in ‘The Future of Geothermal’ challenge against other schools in the Years 7-13 category as part of NZ Geothermal Week.

Their team vision was for the creation of a village in Taupo that includes housing, tourism, education, culture, farming and geothermal and highlighted the linkages between these, including an R&D hub.

The judges agreed that they showed a great understanding of Vision Matauranga and the connection and history that local Maori have with geothermal, and were also able to clearly articulate the benefits of their envisaged village to the local community and area.

For their win the girls will each receive an iPad! Thanks to Miss Harvey, Atareta Simmonds, STEM Ambassadors Nataly Castillo Ruiz & Ielish Goble from Contact Energy plus all the contributing sponsors for making this an awesome week of learning!

Kris Watson & James Lamb