What We Offer
Tauhara Primary School offers your child
Tauhara is a BYOD school with Apple TV’s in each classroom to support learning programmes (Mathletics, Maths Seeds, Reading Eggs, Reading Eggs Press, Write that Essay online)
Each student is trained in how to use iPad applications appropriate to their level of learning to support an integrated digital curriculum
Staff are Apple trained and receive Professional Learning to ensure best learning support for your child using Apple iPad applications
Student leadership programmes for Years 4, 5 and 6
Cool School Peer Mediators
Cool School Programme
Play Based learning for New Entrants to Year 2
Lunch in schools
Aroha Love Week each November
Year 6 Graduation Dinner
Structured literacy Reading Acceleration programme running throughout the school
Sports programmes and inter-school Sports competition
Te Reo Maori/Tikanga Maori/School Karakia/Kapa Haka
Effective teachers with high expectations who are totally committed to your child’s learning
A.R.O.H.A Tauhara PB4L Behaviour Programme. Attitude, Respect, Ownership, High Expectations, Achievement
Accelerated Learning in Maths and Writing
Maths Support Teachers MOE Initiative
Individualised Transition to school programme for 5 year olds – we plan the transition to school programme around the needs of the child
Sporting opportunities, Outdoor Education at senior school camp and other venues around the Taupo district
Education Outside the Classroom for All Children
10 Swimming lessons for each student provided by trained swimming teachers