Hero photograph
Photo by Tauhara Primary

Tauhara Primary Lead School for Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning)

Tauhara Primary —

We are very fortunate to be leading 15 schools in our region for the next two years as part of the Taupō Kāhui Ako from 2021 to 2023.

Anne Cameron will be acting Principal while I work 10 hours per week as the Lead Principal, my Office Administrator for this position is Karla Martin who is also a member of our Board of Trustees. Shiree Rakei and Kim Easton are our new Across School Leaders. They will work two and a half days per week to support our school and schools within our collaborative. There are seven Across School Leaders altogether. If you would like to know more information about the work of our Kāhui Ako go to www.taupocol.school.nz