Tauhara Te Ahorangi

Tauhara PrimaryMarch 20, 2025

Fun day friday ~ keke mirumiru raihi

Te Kakano ~ Whaea Varshan

Every friday Te Kakano come up with a 'fun activity' to do. this Friday is rice bubble cakes in our roopu.

yummy yummy ~ we get to eat our yummy rice bubble cake.

Tuakana ~ Teina kei tāku tuakana tāku oranga.

Te Pito ~ Whaea Anehera

Our tuakana practicing manaakitanga and aroha atu, aroha mai with our teina.

tēna rawa atu koutou tuakana ma.

On Wednesday we had a visit from Ako learning Resources. Our tamariki loved the Whare. If there are any Matua (builders) that can make a whare like this please contact Whaea Pinny.

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