MR TURNER — May 2, 2024

Kia ora koutou katoa

Welcome back everyone. I trust you have enjoyed the break and are ready for another action packed term!

As signalled last term, the new government regulations - ‘phones away for the day’ is now in effect. This means that students are not allowed to use their phones between 8:40 am and 3:10 pm everyday, including interval and lunchtime. Our observation to date is that boys have adjusted to this expectation exceptionally well. So, thank you for your cooperation and support in upholding this new regulation.

Exemptions have been provided for students for the following reasons:

We continue to challenge and support our students to ACE it!- (Attendance, Completion, Effort). We know that this ensures the very best outcomes for our young men so we appreciate your support and commitment to making this happen. You can keep track of your son's attendance via the parent portal. Login into using your son's ID and your parent portal login password. If you have forgotten your password, please contact the school office.

Many of you would have attended the ANZAC commemorations held either locally or across the country last week. At TBC we have our own special service to commemorate the 39 students who sacrificed their lives during World War 2. Their sacrifice is remembered through the grove of totara trees planted along the edge of Nicholson Field and 15th Avenue in 1949. Our students pay respect to these brave young men who personify our values of respect, honesty, loyalty, commitment, resilience and generosity. Lest we forget.

Parent teacher interviews are scheduled to take place online this term. Information will be shared with you on how to book appointments with your son’s teacher. I know that staff are looking forward to connecting with you during this time so please ensure you book a time that suits you to meet. Please contact our school office for support if you are unable to book appointments online. 

Enjoy our latest newsletter. 

Noho ora mai

Andrew Turner
