Hero photograph

Principal's Message

Suzanne Billington —

Kia Ora Koutou Katoa, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Ni Hao, Anyoung Haseyo, Konichi Wa, Gruetzi, Guten Tag, Bonjour, Ola, Hello.

What a wonderful week of learning for all our students this week, especially for our Year 3 & 4 students who took part in their overnight camp this week. All students were involved in learning about safety at the beach with the Mount Maunganui Surf Lifesavers and in life in and around The Rocky Shore. This learning will support Inquiry Learning back in classrooms over the next few weeks. 

For many of these students much learning was had around organising themselves for camp, coping with staying overnight away from home and in sleeping in tents. A huge thank you must go to the Year 3 & 4 teachers for all their work in organising and managing all aspects of this event. A huge thank you also to the many parents who supported different aspects of the camp - especially to those who stayed overnight in tents with students! The beauty of camping on the back field of the school was how close this was to our students homes, with many parents calling in to spend time with their children and have dinner with us on camp. There was a real sense of community. 

As a school we really do appreciate the warm partnership we have with our families who support us to make great learning happen for students.  This partnership will again be evident next Monday when our whole school swimming event happens at Greerton pools. Information about this day is on our website. We know that many parents will be involved in helping staff to make this a great day, and that we will have spectators along also who show great support for the efforts of not only their own children but also other students in the school.

The first of our "Learning Partnership Meetings" for the year will be held on the 11th and 14th March. If you are still to book in for a meeting with your child and their teacher on either of these days we encourage you to do so. This is an opportunity at this stage of the year for both the teacher and child's parents to discuss how your child has settled into school and what the child's initial goals for learning at this stage of the year are. 

A reminder to all families that we encourage all students to arrive no earlier than 7:45am at school as there is no supervision for students until this time. If you find you are regularly needing to drop children to school earlier than this, there is provision next to the school for "before school care" with School's Out. The staff at School's Out are happy to explain to you what this looks like, costs and when they take students over to school for the day. Contact Melanie Watts Ph: 021 2442116, email: tauriko@schools-out.co.nz  

A reminder to all families that all staff will be involved in professional learning next Wednesday 6th March. Rather than have a whole Teacher Only Day, staff will start working with Andy Jones ,who is a consultant working with us from Australia,  from 1pm - 5pm so that students are only  out of school for the afternoon. Students will finish school at 12:15pm and will be picked up from the carpark by buses and parents.

MOMO Challenge a warning to all families that there is a horrible video out there that children may come across looking at games online with Peppa Pig and Fortnight featuring a  Momo character, who encourages young people to self-harm and threatens to kill their family members. It is important, as ever, that you are vigilant and are aware of the content of what your children are involved with online.  Netsafe, supporting parents and students to be safe online are asking that any content like this is reported to them.