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Digital Safety for Parents

Natalie van Dijk —

Is your child safe online? Have you checked-in recently with your child about online safety? Are you aware as to what they are viewing and posting online?

We know regular proactive conversations at home help to minimise the damage if things go wrong online. Research shows parents are crucial to the success of young people becoming safe and capable in their use of digital technology. Asking your child about what they do online, how they use devices and who they talk to online helps you understand what they know about staying safe. Showing an interest also makes it easier to have more difficult conversations should challenge arise.

Here at Tauriko School our Year 5-8 students are active online learners, with a BYOD scheme in place, as well as multiple Chromebooks and ipads available in classes. Each student has a school email address - this is for the sole purpose of learning. Our school values of Excellence, Respect, Integrity and Innovation are strongly linked to online learning and staff are frequently monitoring and supporting learners to be the very best they can be - online and off.

Recently there have been several concerns in regards to the ways some Year 5-8 students are using social media outside of school. Whilst we don’t get involved in personal use of social media, we have been made aware of situations whereby there has been some really inappropriate posting via SnapChat, Instagram, Messenger and gaming / chat platforms. This comes in the form of put-downs, absolutely foul language and inappropriate messaging.

Image by: Natalie van Dijk

As a school we urge you to ensure you are aware as to what your child is up to online, and to support them to be safe by promoting and modelling positive digital citizenship.

Our young people are growing up with digital technology and it is crucial we are there alongside to support them - not necessarily as ‘tech experts’ but as experienced adults with life skills and maturity.

Image by: Natalie van Dijk

The seven steps from Netsafe’s Online Safety Parent Toolkit are designed to enhance your digital parenting knowledge and have been developed with parents in mind.

  1. Understand: Read about the potential online risks, challenges and sometimes illegal behaviour young people face to understand what may happen

  2. Learn: Ask your child about what they do, how they use devices and who they talk to learn about their activities. Check in regularly to see what has changed

  3. Explore: Take the time yourself to explore the sites, apps and technologies your child uses to improve your knowledge and understand their experience

  4. Agree: Create a family code with your child to agree on what they can do online including sites to visit, appropriate behaviours, privacy settings and limits

  5. Teach: Recognise each child has unique needs, but some online safety concepts are universal. Start by teaching yours the Five Tips to help your child thrive

  6. Model: Be a good example to your child. Make sure you role model the behaviours you want to see your child use online and offline

  7. Plan: Make a plan so everybody knows what to do if something goes wrong and where you will be able to get advice and support in challenging times

Netsafe have also put together a Guide to Social Media Settings – this has information about social media platforms, general online safety tips and ideas / contacts for seeking help.

Image by: Natalie van Dijk