Hero photograph
Photo by Natalie van Dijk

Green Team Update

Debi Mayhead —

The Green Team have been very active this term: read on for an update of all that is currently happening at Tauriko.

We are currently growing seeds and are hoping to add them to our koha trolley next term. Thank you to those people who have taken lemons and left a koha.

The Green Team have planted broad beans, lettuce, corn, cucumber, cauliflower, broccoli and tomatoes.

We are now a Garden to Table school so look out for activities starting next term.

A big thank you to Madina’s family for donating gloves for the Green Team to use.

The Green Team have supplied a sunflower seed to each child in the school. The seeds will need to be put into a larger container as they grow bigger and watered regularly. Please check they have drainage. You are welcome to grow them at home or they can be returned to school to be planted in the school gardens. We will have some on display for Ag Day.