Hero photograph
Photo by Emma Cumming

Whole School Swimming Sports

Natalie van Dijk —

What an amazing swimming sports we had on Monday the 5th of March.

It was so great to see all the children participating and celebrating the great success they have had in swimming this year. Thank you to the wonderful parents who offered to help during the day we couldn't run these events with out you. Below are the competitive swimmers results and the winning house group for the day. 

Non Competitive Swimming Sports

On Monday the 5th of March, Tauriko School had their Whole School Swimming Sports. It was split into two parts. There were the competitive races and there were non competitive races.
In both of the races, there were the school's four houses. There were: Kauri, Rimu, Totara and finally my personal favourite house….Kahikatea.
In the non competitive races there were: freestyle, backstroke, doggie paddle, some sort of ring type race, dolphin dive, wiggle worm, torpedo kick, noodle racing and finally sea horse race. Unfortunately the crowds weren’t as loud or as enthusiastic as they were for the competitive races.
Even the Wee Sprouts and juniors could have a good time. They had their own miniature pool that was just the right size for them, while the middle school and seniors enjoyed swimming in the deeper pool - it was a fun filled day for all ages.
I can't wait for 2019’s Swimming Sports - it will be a blast.

Zak Weatherley

Swimming Sports Relays

Yesterday was the 5th of March, and it was Swimming Sports. The relays were a highlight for me.

The first relay was the student relay. It was a close call. The last place team was Kauri, the third place team was Rimu, the second place was Kahikatea and first place was Totara. The contestants were: for Totara - Charlotte M, Zane, Taylor, and Georgia; for Kahikatea - Rico, Tyler, Regan C and Yumin; Rimu had Charlotte R, Arabella, Mackenzie and Caleb G; and for Kauri they had Madison P, Olivia B, Madison B and Ava.

The second relay was the parents relay where they get random adults and teachers to race for each House. Some of the parents swam in their clothing, mainly because they didn't have togs there.

Vilah Christy