Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Te Whaiti

Marae Visit

Jo Te Whaiti —

This week the whole school was involved in a wonderful visit to our local Wairoa Marae.

On Wednesday and Thursday, our school was split into two groups and we headed off to Wairoa Marae to experience a traditional powhiri and to learn about the traditions and protocol involved with Marae.

For quite some time we have been preparing for this visit and it showed during the powhiri and for the duration of the visit. Our children were praised for their behaviour and engagement, and our teachers were complimented for how well the tamariki had been prepared.

A highlight on Wednesday was the ngeru (cat) who guided us onto the Marae and went about making herself known to everyone through the whai korero (speeches). Having assumed she belonged there, we were surprised to learn this was her first visit!

We would like to thank Joseph Bidois for his whai korero, the parents and teachers for the preparation & support of the tamariki, the tamariki themselves for their wonderful behaviour, and most of all the tangata whenua of Wairoa Marae for their hospitality and imparting of wisdom and knowledge. What an amazing experience for all! Tino pai!