Tauriko School PTA — Aug 15, 2023

Wow our students are awesome! We’re all blown away with their fantastic fundraising skills!

Our final figure of $9845 was raised through the Skipathon which is a phenomenal effort!

The tallies have been determined as to which were the winning classes and who were those individuals that raised the most. A mini prizegiving is going to be held on Thursday afternoon to announce the major prize winners, they will then be posted on the school Facebook page.

All the money raised is going towards the new outdoor shade sails. It is expected it will take the remainder of 2023 and 2024 to raise the funds through fundraisers and community funding applications to take on this project.

Thank you to all the parents and families for your support with this fundraiser. We appreciate it isn't an easy ask for many, but for those that were able to be involved, we hope your children have found it challenging and rewarding.

Tauriko School PTA