Hero photograph
Most of the Kids Lit Quiz team members!
Photo by Jo Te Whaiti

Tall Poppies Kids Literature Quiz

William Simmonds & Ben Rikiriki —

Some of our Tall Poppy 'bookworms' competed in the Kids Lit Quiz.

On Tuesday the 21st of May, Ben, William, Aya, Rylee (Team 1) and Analise, Jorja, Ella, Zeerak (Team 2) went to the Kids Lit Quiz. Team 1 finished the night with 61 points while Team 2 got 55 points. The winning team had 79 points. 

The quiz consisted of ten categories with ten questions in each one. Before it started you had to choose one round which you got double points on. If you won a round every member got a $5 Whitcoulls voucher; they also had questions for the audience which you got $10 for getting right and separate questions for the students which you got $5 and a stationery pack. Team 1 won a prize for getting all of the questions in one of the categories correct.

Half way through, they had a break in which you could pay two dollars to get access to several tables of confectioneries (so you could have as much food as you wanted.) We enjoyed all three hours and it was a great team challenge. 

We're looking forward to starting up a lunchtime Book Club so we can work towards competing again next year!