Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Te Whaiti

Tall Poppies Robotics

Jo Te Whaiti —

Read all about the efforts we went to to raise funds to get robots into the Tall Poppies class.

Over terms one and two, we were looking at Robotics for Inquiry. We were interested in robotics because we think that children our ages should have the opportunities to programme and build complex robots. We also thought that it would be a lot of fun. Read the following artivle we shared in the middle of the year about robotics and the road to getting them in our class:

We started by looking for robots that the current Tall Poppies can use as well as future generation Tall Poppies. After quite some debate the class finally decided on buying several bots for different groups. To come to this conclusion we took a vote, but when that didn’t work we decided to get into groups and show (via slide show) why we thought we should buy that particular bot.

We worked out that to buy robots, first we need to find the money! Last weekend on Sunday, one of our brilliant teachers, Mrs Rhodes, organized a sausage sizzle at Mitre10 Mega. It was very successful. We had a lot of people that came and thanks to them we raised $470. (The kids helped too.)

The amazing Mrs Rhodes has also come up with the wonderful idea of hosting a Market Day on the 3rd of July. The Tall Poppies were split up into groups to choose an artifact to sell or come up with a game to host, here are some of the ideas that our groups came up with: slime, ice cream, sherbert and lip balm. Another group came up with idea of a colouring competition with prizes.

P.S If you are a business owner or could donate prizes please contact me or my colleague: zak7x9j@tauriko.school.nz or laura1r3w@tauriko.school.nz or you could even contact our teacher krhodes@tauriko.school.nz

We would like to thank some amazing people, that helped and organised these fundraising ideas. First of all we would like to thank Mrs Rhodes for making this all happen: organising and hosting the Mitre10 Mega barbeque and organising our Market Day . We would also like to thank the Tall Poppies and the parents that came to the barbeque. We won’t forget Mr Woody who donated quite a bit more money than expected!Nichola James: I was really impressed with how well the team of kids worked today in their various roles...and the sausages were selling like hot cakes!