Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Te Whaiti

Art & Leadership Camp

Jo Te Whaiti, Manaaki Petera & Tall Poppies —

In Term 2, the Tall Poppies went to Aongatete Lodge for their Arts and Leadership Camp. This is one of several camps the Tall Poppies get to participate in each year.

After Cross Country, the Tall Poppies headed off to their Art & Leadership Camp.

During camp week the Tall Poppies did a lot of fun tasks like: Waimarino, Adrenaline Forest and Fernland Spa. Some of the other activities were rock climbing, orienteering and the Pancake Challenge.


The fun things the Tall Poppies did at Waimarino were: going down the hydro slide, kayaking, jumping off the high diving board, playing volleyball, the Tarzan swing, blob and low ropes (a good warm up for Adrenalin Forest).

Adrenalin Forest

Things the Tall Poppies did at Adrenalin Forest were: Zip lining, climbing hard ladders. The highest level anyone got to was level six - that's the highest you can go.

Fernland Spa

At Fernland Spa the Tall Poppies played some water games but most of the time they just relaxed in the nice warm water.


Cat Thompson, a local artist, came along to teach us the art of pottery. We each made a tile that symbolised a passion or interest. Once fired these will all be put together to create a larger piece representing us and our school.  Keep an eye out later in the year for our masterpiece which will also include tiles made by our 2017 Tall Poppies.

The Tall Poppies enjoyed these fun experiences. Here is what they had to say:

Kayla: “My favorite part of camp was Waimarino because I love swimming and the cold water didn’t bother me.”

Vilah: “My favorite part of camp was when we performed our skits because they were really funny.”

Laura: “I liked all of it because everything we did was a fun challenge.”

All of the Tall Poppies are looking forward to our next camp which is Sports Camp.

By Mackenzie and Brodie.

Manaaki: On our way to Adrenaline Forest we saw amazing land sites. When we got there got instructions for our harnesses. When the instructor told us there were six levels, everyone was excited. There were practice levels on the ground and after everyone had a go, we each started on level number one. We had our teachers and some parents for supervision, just in case. 

Each level had their own difficult obstacle. As we went up, the levels got harder and harder. Each level had its own perk to it. Each obstacle was difficult because they could spin, turn and move and each level was stuck to trees from any corner. If we wanted to get across, there were bridges and zip lines and steps to go across, down or up. When we got to each platform we unclipped our hook’s for a brief moment then clipped them to the next rope.