Hero photograph

Principal's Message

Suzanne Billington —

Kia Ora Koutou Katoa, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Ni Hao, Anyoung Haseyo, Konichi Wa, Gruetzi, Guten Tag, Bonjour, Ola, Hello.

At Tauriko School our students are actively involved in their community in order that they may grow to understand that they can make a difference in their community and beyond. 

The Green Team students are currently looking at ways to ensure that the school's litter problem is reduced, the school Council are meeting with the PTA to discuss student ideas for our future Challenge course and they are also meeting with our BOT Chairperson to share their ideas for what the future strategic direction of our school will be and have these ideas included in our school Charter. All students across the school have been involved in fundraising to enhance school resources for the Maths Zone and the Challenge course.

Recently Leo Bie (an International student from China), Aya Birt ( a Year 7 NZ student in our school), Leo's mum Tina Bie, and Corrinne Couper, a NZ parent, all had the opportunity to speak to the Education New Zealand Board about International Student education and its benefits from their different perspectives. This was a huge opportunity as it is the first time the ENZ Board have met student and community members at a Board meeting. 

These school representatives did us proud, speaking from the heart and telling their stories in order that the Board could hear the many and varied reasons that International Education benefits us as a school,  how it enhances the lives of the people it touches and its influence in developing citizens with a global perspective and an internationalised set of skills. 

As this was the first time the ENZ Board had met student and community members at its Board meeting, they really valued the student and parent contributions to their discussion.  I was extremely proud of our speakers and have to thank Laura Fleming, our International Manager, for her organisation to make this happen and Cathy Campbell, our ESOL teacher-aide, for her work in helping the students to prepare so beautifully to speak at such an important meeting.

Education NZ staff work hard to support International Student education to grow as an export market for New Zealand both here in NZ and abroad. They endeavour to showcase NZ education experiences to the world for enduring social, cultural and economic benefit. Our students and parents have had a voice in that work and will make a difference to the decisions those Board members made that day and possibly into the future.

PTA Annual General Meeting:

On Tuesday I attended the PTA's AGM. This is always an important opportunity to thank the PTA parents and acknowledge the significant role they play in improving the resources we have in the school and therefore enhancing the educational opportunities our students have at Tauriko School.

Over the last few years the PTA have also looked for opportunities to acknowledge the contributions that each and every family makes in raising funds and have looked for ways to have families benefit directly from their work in this. This means the PTA have funded buses for events such as the school production and Cross Country.

Over the last year the PTA have raised funds through our Ag Day Gala, the Quiz night, a Math-a-thon, through Entertainment book sales,  Photography sessions and sausage sizzles. 

They provided fabulous support through many, varied school events in 2017  - BBQs at Learning Partnership meetings, Cross Country sausage sizzles, Milo and Marshmallows at Book Week and the Mossops Honey 70th Anniversary celebrations.

Highlights in 2017 were the launch of the refurbished library (which they had previously raised the funds for), providing Gold Sponsorship for the school production, and supporting the School Council with the purchase and installation of a drinking fountain at the end of Room 9 out near the field ( a 50-50 shared purchase).

The PTA provide an awesome opportunity for parents at our school to get to know other parents in our community. Parents have the opportunity to be on the PTA or they can be part of a  group of parents and whanau who support events when they can, called the RAFTs (Relatives and Friends of Tauriko School). This RAFTs group has grown significantly over the past 12 months and is hugely valued by the PTA and the school for the work they do in supporting PTA events.

I would like to sincerely thank the PTA for the wonderful contributions they make to learning and life at Tauriko School. Special thanks to Jolene Nelson the PTA Chairperson for her leadership and to Lisa Rose our staff representative on the PTA. As a staff we appreciate the role Lisa plays in this group and the work she does here.

Staffing Update:

Recently I sent out notices to the parents of students in Wee Sprouts and Room 14. 

We are thrilled to have  Jasmine Mattock join the Wee Sprouts as a second teacher in this learning space. Jasmine has  great experience in teaching at this level and I know she is a wonderful addition to our teaching team.

Sadly, Mr Cleaver in Room 14 has joined the number of teachers who are leaving the profession. Sam will leave us at the end of Term 2 to go building. We wish him all the best in his change of career and thank him for the contribution he has made to learning in our school over the last six months.  We are currently advertising for a teacher for this room and hope to appoint this person to start at the beginning of Term 3. We will keep parents of students in this room informed about the appointment as soon as we can.