Natalie van Dijk — Jun 2, 2022

Image by: Natalie van Dijk

Kanohi ki te kanohi - Maths Parent Meeting 

Date: Friday 17th June (Week 7)

Time: 9.00am in the school library 

Guest Speaker: Maree Logan 

Next week we have a Parent Meeting focussing on the way we teach and how the students learn mathematics at Tauriko School. We have guest speaker Maree Logan and classroom teacher Sarah Taylor, both presenting at this meeting. This meeting is open to anyone in our community who would like to learn more about mathematics teaching and learning - it will be an awesome session and we strongly encourage whanau to attend. Please RSVP to Natalie van Dijk ( Thank you to those of you who have already RSVP. 

Matariki Celebration (Thursday 23rd June):

Image by: Natalie van Dijk

Yummy Donuts - Thursday 23rd June

We are going to be having Yummy Donut Day on Thursday 23rd June (Matariki Celebration Day). More intormation about this will be come home next week.

Image by: Lisa Rose


Year 4 - 6 West Cluster Cross Country 

The West Cluster Cross Country is next Thursday 9th June. Year 4 - 6 students who have qualified for this event will have brought home a notice today. Please make sure the permission slip is returned by Tuesday next week. We need parent help to make this event successful so if you are able to help with transport and supervision on the day please indicate on the form attached to the newsletter. 

Students need to come to school in their Tauriko School uniform (Red Tauriko Polo Shirt and black shorts/leggings). Please make sure they have something warm to wear, a raincoat incase it rains, lots of healthy food to eat and a drink bottle. 

Image by: Jo Te Whaiti

There are a number of optional paid activities available at Tauriko School. Here are the contact details for some of these:

Value of the Week: Innovation - Auaha

Nga Kupu o te Wiki: 






Further 2022 Dates:

Please note these dates may change - please check back regularly

Term 2:

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10 - Leadership Week

Term 3:

Term 4: